Posted by: lornamacdonald | March 26, 2010

How poor were you mom?

When I was a little girl in New Brunswick, we were ssssoooooo poor, we ate ketchup sandwiches for the one meal we got to eat.  I grew up in town, but spent some time near the Bay of Fundy.   My dad had 11 brothers and sisters and my mom’s sister married one of my dad’s brothers!   Even then God was watching over me as I was quite ill as a child with Rheumatic Fever!   This is a picture of my aunt!

 Still Trusting God, my handsome first born says my Blog now has 1,200 plus visitors! 

 Hope it encourages you!  

Psalm 72:8 KJV

 8He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth. 

Glad to be born in the Dominion of Canada!


  1. Lorna I loved hearing your testimony, I had never heard it even though we have known each other for several years. Also, the “we were sooooooooo poor stories. I remember you and Judy and I splitting our sides laughing at each others stories (and trying to out-do each other) Like we were soooo poor I had safety pins holding my shoes to-gether – response “You had shoes?”

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